Sell more with Gazzine!

Hello Journalist! Gazzine is a platform and marketplace that is revolutionizing how buyers of editorial content can license high-quality journalism and how writers, photographers and publishers can monetize the content they own the copyright to, many times over.

Our articles touch hearts and minds all over the world!

Yes, I want to sell articles!
Donald Boström
Journalist and author
Photo: Ewa Stackelberg
“Gazzine is the journalists’ and content buyers’ platform where buyers can find all the content they are looking for in one place. At the same time, we – the journalists – keep control over our articles because we retain our copyright. In other words, choosing Gazzine is good for both buyers and journalists.”
Thomas Sjöberg
Journalist and author
“I believe in Gazzine as the platform of the future for us journalists and photographers. Previously published texts and images are given a new lease of life and, at best, even generate extra income.”
Eva-Lotta Sigurd
“Gazzine is a great place to breathe new life into timeless articles and gain additional valuable exposure as a journalist. It also provides welcome additional income.”
Felix Oppenheim
“For me, Gazzine is a smart way to extend the life of good, timeless reporting that might have only been published in a niche magazine. A good format to get further distribution, more readers and own marketing. Maybe, even a little more bread on the table.”
Helen Bjurberg
Journalist and author
“Thanks to Gazzine, I have monetized my articles many more times than I would have otherwise. Gazzine is extremely valuable for freelancers like me.”
Yes, I want to sell articles!

Hurra, vi vann finaste priset!

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